Monday, February 7, 2011

Superbowl Sunday Funday~

As the title suggests, today was superbowl sunday. I'm never excited about the superbowl, but this time I was invited to a Bible study party thing. It was much fun. Great discussion with great people during Bible study. We read Acts chapter 3. I have heard this story many times before and even know a song about it. Its when Peter and John see the lame beggar at the gate called Beautiful and the whole "silver and gold have I none but such as I have I give thee. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk." (yes i just sang the song for that in my head. It's actually a kid's song, so its not known...i think.) A lot of things were discussed and I think it was an excellent time of fellowship and Bible study. Although, when I decided to talk HE had to walk through the door right during the middle of my schpill. I had been secretly wondering where he could be during the Bible study. Of course i was paying attention, but I just wondered what he does when this stuff happens. He went straight to his room. I don't understand why I like him. Apparently he isn't Christian which is not what im looking for. Maybe if he did like me or get with me I could influence him? WHAT am i thinking?!!?
1. that'll never happen
 2. im sure im not his type
 3. My friend has probably whitnessed to him many a time seeing as they are roommates and buddies from back home.
After, Bible study he would come out every once in a while to watch the super bowl a bit and then go back to his room. When he first came out, it looked like he had been crying. Even a girl said she heard him sound angry or upset on the phone. I was worried about him. I did manage to have small conversations with him, while everyone else seemed to kinda ignore him. But im just being...idk dumb. I thought i had given up on him, but apparently not. I guess because he's so Asian and so hott. WTH! I need to stop. Anyway, today was fun. And Glee was great. I need to go back and catch up on glee, even though i have a whole season and maybe half to watch. This dang bump/growth thing on my lower palm/wrist makes it painful to type. Gah im rambling. And i need to go to bed. Dang 8am class. Well, guess this is goodbye. Hope my roomate's freakin boyfriend leaves. He better not spend the night again. ><
Night love~

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