Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Here I Go Again...

Why can't I just not have crushes. Why do I have to be such a girl?!?!
No need to answer...nothing will change.
There's times when I want to give up on this crush, and then times when I don't. I know nothing will ever happen between us, but I keep holding on to hope.
Gah I wish I had better things to blog about. But this is the only thing that I really wanna talk about, but I feel it's too trivial to talk about in person, so I save it for blogging. My friends that blog always have something interesting to blog about or witty little stories about things. I got nothing. Nothing but how my love life is not where I want it and no matter how much I wait and rely on God, secretly I want something to happen anyway. Then there's the times I say things about how something happened and I saw it as flirting when it really wasn't and I overanalyze. Or there's the times like last night when I want to give up completely. I heard him say something about he hopes his date with a girl goes well, or even if they do go on a date. In my heart I wanted him to be referring to me. Obviously, he wasn't because why would he talk about asking a girl out on a date right in front of me if it was me.
Gah i need to stop this.

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